Sunday, July 22, 2007

Well, my friends, I went to the Midnight Madness on Friday to get my Harry Potter book. I stayed up till 2 reading it that night and till 12 Saturday night. As a result, I finished it today. I was very good, I thought and it ended well. The saddest part ( I cried...:P) was when Dobby died. Oh, and when they were gathering the bodies. Snape ended up being lovely, and I absolutely adored the ending. You know, Nineteen years later, and I was SO HAPPY when Ron and Hermione got together. It was completely obvious that they would, of course, but it's still nice to read about it. They belong together, man. So do Harry and Ginny. I was SO HAPPY about that too. When I told Henry the ending the screamed 'filth' at those pairs. Why, though? I don't think they're filth... Hahahah.
Yesterday we all met up at the Farmer's Market, but Scott forgot to phone TJ and he couldn't come. WE walked to my house and on they way picked up Bjorn and everyone stayed for dinner. It was sort of a party for the birthday people. We had cake...cake....I do love cake... From now on I'm going to capitalize cake. It's just that special. I love Cake. Doesn't that look better? WE had lovely food and I forced them to watch part of High School Musical with me...nobody liked it...:(. Lol. I got caught smelling my Harry Potter book by Scott, Janine and Tinzel. HAHAHAH. They always catch me doing odd things... I also choked on a Tic-Tac while laughing. It just made me laugh harder....Eheheh. It was fun though. Lol.
I should go now.
Bwyes and love,