Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hey. Sorry I didn't post yesterday...I was busy. Actually I wasn't really, but I didn't really feel like writing. So yeah. Yesterday Janine came over and Tinzel phoned and said she was gonna go get Scott and bike over to my house. They didn't bike though. They walked. From CCS. Crazy...

ANyway, we (Me, Henry, my mom, and Scott,) went to Boston Pizza and I ordered Pepsi, and Henry was talking. About a man/woman that he saw by the soccer fields. He was like, "and she had shaved eyebrows and looked exactly like Micheal Jackson!" Which made me laugh with Pepsi in my mouth, forcing me to spit it out all over my salad. It was just the way he said it though. Hahah.

Then later after everyone had gone home to their lovely houses, me and Henry watched Norbit. I advise you not too. Its sick and only mildly funny. HAhahha. The ending was very sick. Ughh. Anyway, I've to go now. Type to ya later.
Oh, and PS, the picture is of my iPod. Isn't he beautiful? Hhahahah. I call him Mr. I. Hhaha.

1 comment:

Janine said...

HAHHAHA I TOOK THAT PICTURE!!! YEAHH!!!! I think... I did!!! yeeeh!
oh no..the ChiilLLSSSS!!!aghhhh I need my guitar! but itis in your garage!!!
Igive you permission to take it out and use it and play it and learn it!!!1 yayy
so yes. goand learnnn the guitarrr!!!