Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter was good, I thought, but the storyline went a bit to fast. The acting was better, thank god. When you imagine Harry Potter do you imagine Daniel Radcliffe? I don't... I imagine a tall, skinny boy with longer hair. In some scenes they didn't put his scar was funny. Rupert Grint cut his hair! It looks better now I think. They didn't show Draco much. And they didn't mention Quidditch, which I thought was stupid as it was sort of important in the book. Has anyone else noticed how Daniel just keeps getting uglier? I'm not trying to be mean, but really! He's so ugly! It's actually funny. He has such a thick, long neck, and his hands are bulgy. He was so little in the Philosopher's he's just ugly and older. It's very sad. I can't wait for the 7th book. It's sure to make me feel depressed for awhile, but I trust JK Rowling to end the series the right way. I hope Harry dies. And Ron lives. And Hermione. Hee hee.
It's only 10:30 AM and I'm already bored. I want to go to Walmart today. I need someone to come with me. Who is brave enough to come to Wally Martins with me? Ahahahah, it's such an odd place.
Oh my, the worst thing ever happened to me. Well, not the worst thing, but very bad. I think I lost my Harvest Moon game for DS. IT'S MY FAVORITE GAME!! I can't lose it. I need it.... Ahahaha, I'm such a game nerd. I have six Harvest Moon games. Isn't that sad?
I should go. I'm only supposed to be on for an hour and I think I've been on longer...
-sheepish smile-

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