Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ellllooooo. I'm bored. So this shall be a boring post. Oh wow. Smarties=Yummy delights. I love smarties. Hm. I'm very bored. HAM! I do not like green eggs and ham. Today was odd. Heh heh, last night we went to that concert thing, and and they sold coke. And mentos. Together. That isn't a very smart thing you know. It's just waiting for someone to explode them. Like we tried to. In Scott's mouth. It didn't work though. Hahaa. Heh heh...last night I wrote some more. Isn't that just so exciting? Notice my SARCASM?!?!? Yeah. I have a new word. WOw. Yerp, thats my new word. Isn't it crazy?
I feel so BORED! So I'm gonna go search Google. And Fanfiction. WOw, I'm such a Laterrz.

1 comment:

Janine said...

HHSHAHSHHAH omg... me shubardddd..... !!! AGHHHH!!! I am expecting a phone call.... the stupid person won't PHONE me though.... hmmmmm...
What ish your mother's blog adress? i shall like to see it... lol. muahhahahahaahhaahha
I am verr verr hhyper
like very.